Friday, June 29, 2012

WNS Finalists

Congratulations to the four bands that made it to the finally!

Its seems that The Hot Crew Band (Pop) are winning. This might change. 
This photo was updated at 6:36 P.M. 6/29/2012

Remember you can vote every 24 hours. The prizes will be given soon! Remember to give a star to your favorite band. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Outfits!

Hey Everyone, there are new outfit on the App Woozworld Secrets. You can get really cute stuff!
Here is everything you can buy and how much it costs:

Stylz Shop:

Spring Flowers Dress: 349 w
Exclusive Style: 200 w
Awesome Jacket: 159 w
Romantic and Lovely: 119 w
Spring Flowers Skirt: 79 w
Kickin' It: 29 w
Cool Camo: 119 w
Fancy Sandals: 99 w
Side Knot T-Shirt: 129
Famous Frames: 199 w
Staying Classy: 79 w
Saying Relaxed: 159 w
Slim Jeans: 79 w
Incognito: 199 w

Sunday, June 24, 2012

WNS Nominees

Hey guys! As you all probably saw the WNS Nominees. It was Friday at 6:00 P.M. We sadly did not get in..but as people always saw, Try Try Again! I want to congratulate everyone who did get in! You guys rocked! Now it is up to the woozens for who is going to win! Who will it be? Will it be you?? Congratz again to everyone who won and congratz to everyone who didn't get in. Everybody's photo real was probably AMAZING! We even want to see your photo reals! Just go to your albumz that had the 12 pics. Comment on this post your user name and what the albumz is called. We will publish your albumz on here when we see it! Then we will do a poll and the people will vote who has the BEST photo realz! We will even show you ours but we won't let you guys vote for ours.

See ya soon

Friday, June 22, 2012

Alex Leaving for a While

Hey everyone! I will be leaving for camp tomorrow. I will be gone for three weeks. So excuse my absence! Card is going to be the only one on the blog for three weeks. As soon as I get back, you'll know! I'll miss you guys! Bye! :DD

Live. Love. Logic.

Star of the Week

Hey guys! Alex here! So, this week's Star of the Week theme is Your Hottest Summer Outfit! I just wanted to ask a HUGE favor. I was nominated for Star of the Week and would totally appreciate it if you guys voted for me! If you don't, don't worry, no hard feelings. Thanks guys!

Live. Laugh. Love.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Support Us

Hey Everyone. Please support us by wearing the Hexopus T-Shirt. We would really appreciate if your wore the shirt! You can buy the shirt by going to the Stylz Shop. Thank you and have a good day! :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WNS Pop/Country/Rock/Hip Hop...Lyrics Quiz

One: Dimes
Two: Hair
Three: Rock
Four: Shout
Five: Every Beautiful
Six: Take Away
Seven: Someone Like You
Eight: I Was Born This Way
Prize: Pop Treble Trophy


One: Kiss
Two: Waves
Three: Roses
Four: Another
Five: White Wedding
Six: On Your Lips
Seven: Big Old City
Eight: I Used To Be
Prize: Double Eighth Note Trophy


One: Nothing
Two: Payphone
Three: Skies
Four: Dancer
Five: My Universe
Six: Pumped up Kicks
Seven: On the Ceiling
Eight: Set the World on Fire
Prize: Eighth Note Trophy


One: Wild Ones
Two: Starships
Three: Like you should
Four: Don't Sleep
Five: You can skip to Seven
Seven: My Love on Top
Eight: Trying to Steal your heart

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Hey everyone! I want to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day! Go up to your dad and be like "Hey some girl of the internet wanted me to tell you Happy Father's Day! Lol" Here is where a new contest comes in! The contest is to comment on this post or send us an email of a poem about your Dad. Here is an example.


-Woozen Name

Friday, June 15, 2012


WNS is coming up! Lots of people are entering there photo reals.  To enter you must have at least two people in your group. You sing your song and everyone must be singing. You have to have 12 photos. When your done you click the photo real button. I wish everyone the best of luck! Also if Alex and I get in please vote for us if you like! Thanks and I want to thank everyone again! In two days we got one thousand viewers! Lets try and get 10,000. Talk to you later! Bye :)


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We reached Five Thousand Views! I think that is amazing that there was this tiny little blog. Then it turned into a HUGE blog! I bet there are still people who come on that came on from the very beginning! Thank you all for being soo supportive. Really without you this blog wouldn't be running. Your probably saying in  your head "Yeah ok she is just saying that from attention." Your wrong.... I really mean  it. Think....Why would we keep the blog up and running if no one goes on it? Think about it. I am speechless, every time I come on the blog I see more and more viewers! Thank you guys soo much for coming on the blog so much! It means a LOT!

Meow =0.0=

Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog spot Prom

The Prom theme will be...............HOLLYWOOD! We will set that wonderful night up and will tell you when at what time the Prom will be! Also check out our NEW music video Rumor Has It!

-Cardinal and Alex

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Coming Soon........

Soon there will be a video of Alex and I. We made a video of us singing Rolling in the Deep! You'll just have to wait and see! Hint Hint: It's amazing! ;)


Star Quality

We (Alex and Card) will be hosting a new contest called Star quality. This contest will be focusing on the quality of a woozen. Basically, how nice this person is. Alex and Card will choose a new wooden each week who we feel has "Star Quality." We will be coming out with a new page just for this contest! Maybe YOU have Star Qualities!

-Alex and Card

Friday, June 8, 2012


Woozworld Cup 2012 is here..Well they didn't announce it yet (6/8/12, 6:38), but the clothing is in the feature "Shopz" I was just browsing through the various clothes choices and then I saw on the last page there is a shirt that is FREE!!!
I bought fifty so far because I thought when the Woozworld Cup is over people will want to have it and I can sell it. The shirt is also luxury!! Have fun with this glitch as it still works! ;)
Meow =0.0=

New features!

There are new features as you can see at the right. There is now another chatbox where now you can see what time the person chatted! Also where it says to put your email, if someone clicks on your name, they can automatically send you an email, so be very careful! Also there is a new NEW feature. It is a quibblo quiz. Now you are able to see if your personality is more like me (Cardinal) or Alex. Have fun!

-Card and Alex


Sadly Mya did not come to either Alex or my unitz. We will try next week and I wish the best of luck to all the woozens that did get chosen! This is a really sort post because I am too lazy to type longer and I am bummed out Mya didn't come...well I will post more tonight or tomorrow.


=0.0= MEOW

Star of the Week

Hey everyone! The Star of the Week Theme is your best Pop Star Look! Mya will be coming in just a few minutes. Card and I have a lot of competition, but wish us luck! IF we are nominees, we will post on here as soon as we can! Wish us luck, and good luck to all of you trying too!

Live, Laugh, Love.

Oh my! :)


I literally came on the blog and looked at the views and how many people did the polls. Did you know my mouth actually opened wide and I fell out of my chair. I was screaming happy that soo many people were on the blog! I am trying to get a new feature up on here but sadly it isn't working :(....anyway thank you all sooo much for coming on the blog as much as you do! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There might be a party coming up in July and another in November....... :)

We are trying to get a lot of parties in over the summer! We MUST have a pool party! I will save up wooz and get the pool unitz! Well that's it for now! Hope your having an AH-MAZING Summer!!!!!!!!!!! TTYL!!!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

WNS Microphone Quiz Notes (Answers)

Microphones are used to convert sounds into what signal? Electrical

What type of microphone is ideal for onstage use? Dynamic

In what year was the patent applicatin for the carbon microphone filed? 1877

How many different polar patterns exist for microphones? 7

 What polar pattern collects sound from 360 degress? Omnidirectional

Which type of microphone is best for radio announcers? Ribbon

What is the smallest microphone that can capture the voice? Fiber optic

True of False: a shotgun microphone is best for picking up sounds/voice for fil amd television? True

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

WNS Drums Quiz Notes (Answers)

Drums ARE the world's oldest instrument

Number Two(You can skip to Number Three)

The name for the center of a drum is called the snare

The other instrument other than a drum you can find on a kit is a cymbal

Drumsticks are made out of wood

Another word for drum kit is trap set

The monkey is the other animal that uses drums to show social dominance

Drums consist of at lest one membrane and that is drumhead

WNS Guitar Quiz Notes (Answers)

A guitar usually has six strings

A non Electric Guitar is called an acoustic

If you don't use your fingers to play a
guitar you use a pick

Electric Guitars need an amplifier to play loudly

Then thin long part of the guitar is called the neck

The classical guitars uses nylon strings

There are three types of modern acoustic guitars

The electric guitar was invented in 1931

Monday, June 4, 2012

Change of plans.....

Usually the Star of Week is picked on Monday...but now it will be on Friday at 4:00. Lucky Tigeralilly! She gets extra fame, Haha. Well the Nominations of Star of Week will be on Friday. Alex and I will be trying out for it. If we get picked as a nominee we would love it if you voted and told your friends. If either of us win the Star of Week there will be a BIG and I mean BIG celebration!

-Cardinal and Alex

WNS Piano Quiz Notes (Answers)

Electric Piano 1920

Most Pianos have: 88 keys

More White Keys than Black Keys
on piano

Most famous pianist is: Beethoven(Deaf)
-Amazing Classical Music

Piano and Forte is the orginial name of the piano
means quiet/loud
-Piano: Quiet
-Forte: Loud

Pianos have two configurations:
Upright and Grand

The Piano was invented in Italy

The Piano was invented in the 18th Century

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to thank you soo very much for going on the blog, posting, chatting, doing the polls, doing the contests, and having fun. Alex and I put all our effort into this. We hope you enjoy the blog. Anyway I have some exciting news. It is exciting for me and Alex, but I wanted to share it with you. I was on twitter and I went over to Jenny Wooz's wallz and posted the website url. Then I log on this morning and I see she replied. She said, "  I love your website :D your articles are so fun to read, keep up the amazing work girls! I' so proud of you XD" I thought that was really nice of her to even go on it and say that! Again thank you for coming on, please tell your friends. Also follow us on twitter!! ;)


Prom Queen and King!

As you all know June 1st was Prom. Unfortunately I was not able to make it, but I do know who won King and Queen! The King and Queen of Prom 2012 are.....................RIPLEYW and ALI-HEARTHERO!! It worked out great because Ripley and Ali are a couple. I bet they had the best night even knowing they won. Even though the 9 other girls and the 9 other guys didn't win they should still feel proud that they were in the top ten. As you heard Alex and I are going to through a Blog-Spot Prom. Usually all the famous people get nominated, but this time we are just going to choose random woozens we see. There will be 20 Nominees(10 girls and 10 guys). Then you will vote who you want to win. We still don't know a date yet but keep your eyes peeled......It might be soon..................
