Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thank you guys for checking out the website!!

I logged on this morning and I was going to faint! I went into stats and saw that more people around the world are going on the website! I was like literally screaming!! I am so happy and we even have like Five Hundred People on here so far! Just please check up on the website everyday which your already do.........there will be new, fun things to do. If you go by pages and click the one that says "Contest" you can write a story! When we ask you to email us we don't share your emails....That is how we get stuff that you make to put on the website!!  If you don't want us to know your REAL email just make a fake one! Like (woozen name) @ or!! We never share emails but if you are really concerned then just make a fake one. Just saying, if you have a  and send us an email when ever your on and we are on you can chat with us! Isn't that cool? Well thanks again guys!!



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